युज्यते अनेन इति योग:
Yoga is that which joins the individual self with the universal self.

Let's YOGA

Free Consultation

If you need advice on yoga, we're here to help for free, no matter what. Plus, enjoy a 5-day trial class with us to experience the benefits first-hand. Embrace a holistic approach to wellness with us.

Discover our yoga expert with 4 years of dedicated experience and a wealth of background knowledge, We merge expertise with compassionate guidance to support your wellness journey.


Welcome to Yog Prakruti Studio - Online Yoga Learning platform

Yog Prakruti Studio has been helping many people reach their yoga goals since February 2022. We offer a variety of classes that are perfect for beginners and experienced yogis. Our mission is to help individuals experience the transformative power of yoga and achieve their wellness goals, all from the comfort of their own homes. In addition, we offer Yoga classes specially designed for women, focusing on empowerment and holistic wellness. Come join us at Yog Prakruti Studio, experience the transformational power of Yoga, and let's embark on this journey together.

Relax Renew Rejuvinate

Here's what student's say

” I feel that conscious eating habits and also awareness on diet. Able to do Surya namaskar.”

”My body muscles were tight earlier those got flexible and relaxed after joining ur yoga sessions. I have sinus problem, with breading exercise i m feeling good effect on my breading and headache issue. Bcoz of twice 'C' section my back bones and muscles were gone out of work 😣 after starting yoga there is also much flexibility i feel. With positive thoughts, thinking attitude is also getting changed. Thanks master..”
-Chaitrali Telange

”The day I start with doing yoga, it feels so fresh and I'm energetic throughout the day . I feel less anxious.”
- Surashree

”Feeling fresh after yoga.. liked your explanation and the poses.”
- Anjali

”Improving my BMI..by increasing the body weight and at the same time losing the body fat Improved flexibility.”
- Dipali Parab

”डाएट सुरू केल्यापासून खूप छान वाटतंय एन्जॉय करतेय मी योगा क्लास माझे health problem ठीक झाले आहेत योगामुळे”
- Rajane sonwani

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