Learn the traditional Suryanamaskar with Beej Mantras. Stretch your body by practicing these 12 steps of sun salutation and express your gratitude towards the sun.

Chair Yoga
Its a traditional way of stretching. Learn the best way to stretch your body with chair to prepare for your yoga asanas.

Vinyasa Yoga
It is the finest forms of yoga evolved from the Ashtanga yoga. Practice these sequence of asanas in a smooth flow with breath work.

Asanas (Patanjali / Hatha Yoga Principles)
Asana is a steady and comfortable posture to be maintained for a longer time, overcoming the dualities of mind and body in which your effort will lead you towards a peaceful refreshing life.

Facial Yoga
it is a Japanese technique which is practiced to massage your facial muscles, to activate the facial nerves and to keep a natural glow on your face.

Pranayama & Meditation
Relax your body and mind with the practice of rythemic breathing, feeling completely stress free and ready for the day.